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Fernando Gajardo: Founder & Consultant.
I am an industrial engineer and hold an MBA in Strategy and MSc. Information Systems both from Boston University. Currently building my executive education in the MIT executive program. | +1.281.747.6027 | Linkedin

For over 20 years we've acquired international experience implementing “Business Solutions”. Successful track record in implementing IT disruptive and growth strategies in the Educational, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Mining industries. Natural combination of interpersonal and communications skills has allowed me to drive complex and multidisciplinary projects in a global setting including the US, Mexico, Chile and the UK. Strengths are to be proactive, team goal oriented, strong stakeholder management, strategic thinker and a persuasive negotiator.


Digital strategy and transformation

  • Nearly Half Of CIOs Say Digital Transformations Are Incomplete
  • Hybrid work is here to stay: Spurred by the pandemic, 74% of companies now have or plan to implement permanent hybrid work models. Yet many organizations are building these models on shaky foundations, as their current workflows are the product of rushed pandemic-era projects, and not true digital transformations—a reality that must now be addressed. Read More. Source There's no greater danger for any organization than to keep the technology it's always used to refine and perfect what it's always done, instead of letting it go and moving on to the next technology platform. Abandoning old technology for a new one is commonly referred to as the "Burning Platform Effect." It requires a leap of faith and to continually adapting to new paradigms
  • Consistently focusing on why your company exists, not how you operate.
  • The Cloud is just a metaphor for the network of data centers that store and compute information available through the Internet. Essentially, instead of describing a complex web of software, computers, network, and security systems, all of that has been combined into one word, Cloud.

Program & Project management

  • Program management: Holistic approach to Strategy implementation. Program will be an strategic workstream that contains multiple initiatives and needs to be managed from a Director level
  • Project management: Is the fundamental concept for every initiative in an enterprise, no matter what approach used in the implementation, Waterfall, Agile or mixed. Project management is meant to deliver the key building blocks to every operation. Depending on the complexity requires a Senior or Mid senior level manager
  • Product management: Specific focus on an existing or new source of value to the organization, revenue increase or cost reduction. A product has customers and standards, it requires a roadmap to be managed aligned with the enterprise strategy at a Senior level.


  • Rising interest rates, the war in Ukraine, post-Covid apprehensions over economic performance—the list of issues making investors nervous is a long one. This is a far cry from the record investments VCs made just a year earlier. But with the right plan, startups can continue innovating and raising new money.
  • When times are tough, the tough get going, goes the old saying, and that adage is quite appropriate in today’s investment environment. Money may be harder to come by, but startups need funds as much as they ever have—and they can use the assets and capabilities they possess to get that funding. Investments are not going away, and VCs will continue to look for opportunities. Startups that know how to take advantage of those opportunities are the ones that will prosper. Investors will be looking for signs that startups have what it takes to weather the storm; the more startups can demonstrate that they have those capabilities, the more likely they will be to pass investment litmus tests. Read More Source
  • What Is a Startup? The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. We are there when the “rubber meets the road”, how do you implement sales, open markets, communicate in another language, find financing and navigate administrative complexity.